School Test and Quiz Answers - Persona 5 Guide - IGN (2024)


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Persona 5 has you living the life of an ordinary student by day, which means you have to go to class, answer questions, and do exams. To make things easier for you, we've prepared this quick cheat sheet of all theclass questions, tests, and examsalong with each of the answers. The full Personal 5 answers list, along with the text of the questions can also be found below the cheat sheet.

Answering questions correctly will increase your Knowledge by one point. You will also gain Knowledge points if you do well on your exams. We have also listed the minimum required Knowledge rank to get above the class average in the spreadsheet below.


The following cheat sheet contains every answer to questions asked during classes, midterms, and final exams in Persona 5. If you see multiple answers below, that means you have to choose the answers in that order to get the correct result.

Date Answers
4/12 Logic.
4/19 C.
4/23 Singing.
4/25 Knowing your actions are wrong.
Convictions that you're right.
4/27 Four.
4/30 Wonder. Kid. A prodigy.
5/7 Femme fatale.

5/10 Minamoto no Yosh*tsune
Midterm 1: 5/11-5/14 -MinimumKnowledge Rank:Learned
5/11: Biology An optical illusion.
Biology Visual information Brain. They have different cognitions.
5/12: History Magistrate's patronage.
English The name of a sum of currency.
5/13: Social Studies Ignorance.

Math Four.

5/16 Van Gogh

5/21 The silver ratio.

5/23 "Together" and "senses."
5/26 Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar
5/30 William Kidd.

6/4 They were brightly colored.
6/7 Hermit Crab.

6/8 Dreams.

6/11 Three Olympic-sized pools.
6/13 The government.

6/15 It'll change color.

6/23 Pope Joan.

6/27 Heavy rain.

6/29 Gold.

7/1 Baozi.

7/4 Someone pretentious said so.
7/7 Soumen.

7/8 They have the same flavor.
7/9 180 degrees.
7/11 Luciferin.
7/12 Ishikawa Goemon

Final1: 7/13-7/16 - Minimum Knowledge Rank: Scholarly
7/13: Japanese Nouveau riche.

History Gentleman-thief. Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He was boiled alive.
7/14: Biology It's not related to crabs.

Social Studies Television.

7/15: Math B4-sized paper.
English "Together" and "senses."

9/3 Nothing.

9/6 Chronostasis.

9/14 The 19th century.

9/17 A cat.

9/21 Czechoslovakia

9/24 It shows up well on TV.
9/28 Phantom. Vibration. Syndrome.
9/29 Fishermen of the Nagaragawa.
10/3 Three watermelons in the sun.
10/6 A guillotine.

10/11 A.

Midterm 2: 10/17-10/20 - Minimum Knowledge Rank: Encyclopedic
10/17: History Name of the one who proposed it.
History A doctor. It could execute people quickly.
10/18: Math It has thirty-two faces.

Japanese Slave labor.

10/19: English Phantom Vibration Syndrome.
Social Studies The Imperial Household Agency.
10/22 Five.

10/24 It's meaningless.

11/2 Thieves' Cant.

11/4 The Holy Grail.

11/8 Zero.

11/10 An eye.

11/12 It's heavily processed.
11/15 They put makeup on him.

11/17 B.

11/18 The summit of Mt. Fuji.
Final2: 12/20-12/23 - Minimum Knowledge Rank: Encyclopedic
12/20: Math D.

Biology Not their real voice. They speak the same. Supplement the voice.
12/21: English Hearts.

Japanese It includes a number.

12/22 Social Studies Japan.

History Dreadnought.

Below you'll find the full questions asked by each teacher along with the correct answer.

April 12th: A soul is composed of appetite, spirit, and what else?

  • Logic

April 19th: Is the line extending from A connected to B or C? Which is it? C

  • C

April 23rd: What event did Emperor Nero add to the Olympics so he could participate?

  • Singing

April 25th: What's the common usage of kakushinhan again, regarding an action you take?

  • Knowing your actions are wrong


But the real kakushinhan is the opposite, right? So the opposite means

  • Conviction that you're right

April 27th: How many colors does it take to paint every region without any two adjacent ones being the same color?

  • Four

April 30th: First off, the "wunder" part probably means

  • Wonder

Next, the "kind" part That's probably

  • Child

So a "wunderkind" would be

  • A prodigy

May 7th: What do people generally call a woman who has a charm that sometimes leads men to their doom?

  • A femme fatale


May 10th: Who do you think is the origin of the term "magistrate's patronage"?

  • Minamoto no Yosh*tsune

Exams: May 11th-13th

Although the line connects A to C it looks like it leads to B instead What is this phenomenon called?

  • An optical illusion

If how they're seeing things is different, it probably has to do with this sort of information

  • Visual information

What takes the visual information from your eyes and processes it is the, uh

  • Brain

The brain processes visual information So, the reason why people see things differently is

  • They have different cognitions

Which of the following expressions came form the name of the position that Minamoto no Yosh*tsune held?


  • Magistrate's patronage

What is the origin of the English word "talent"?

  • The name of a sum of currency

What did the Greek philosopher Socrates say that evil is born from?

  • Ignorance

What's the least number of colors needed to paint Japan so no two adjacent areas are the same color?

  • Four

May 16th: Do you know who created the piece which sold for the highest price back in the 20th century?

  • Van Gogh

May 21st: What is the name of this ratio that Japanese architects and artists have liked using?

  • The silver ratio

May 23rd: Well, your number's up The root words of synesthesia are "syn" and "aisthesis" What do they mean?


  • "Together" and "senses"

May 26th: What was the name of the other famous novel that Sherlock Holmes appeared in?

  • "Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar"

May 30th: Who was the pirate who said that he hid his treasure in a certain place just before he was executed?

  • William Kidd

June 4th: The original blazers were named that thanks to a certain quality they had Any idea what it was?

  • They were brightly colored

June 7th: What are red king crabs most biologically related to?

  • Hermit crabs

June 8th: With the advent of the color TV, something else started appearing in color Do you know what it is?

  • Dreams

June 11th: Can you imagine how much gold has been excavated by humanity over the course of history?


  • Three Olympic-sized pools

June 13th: Paper money is issued by the Bank of Japan, but who issues the coins?

  • The government

June 15th: What would happen if you keep washing your hair with water that's contaminated with metal?

  • It'll change color

June 23rd: Who is this woman, drawn as the High Priestess in most tarot decks?

  • Pope Joan

June 27th: In English, what does the term "cat-and-dog weather" refer to?

  • Heavy rain

June 29th: This character is the cursive form of a specific kanji Do you know which one it is?

  • Gold

July 1st: What Chinese dish is Zhuge Liang credited for inventing?


  • Baozi

July 4th: Do you know the reason why July and August both have thirty-one days?

  • Someone pretentious said so

July 7th: What's the traditional food of Tanabata?

  • Soumen

July 8th: What's a common trait of almost all shaved-ice syrups on the market?

  • They have the same flavor

July 9th: What is the sum of angles a through e?

  • 180 degrees

July 11th: What is the name of the light-producing substance in fireflies?

  • Luciferin

July 12th: What was the name of the gentleman thief whose family was boiled alive during the Sengoku period?


  • Ishikawa Goemon

Exams: July 13th-15th

Which of these phrases has its origins in this shogi piece?

  • Nouveau riche

Goemon was popular because he wasn't just a thief, he was a

  • Gentleman thief

And the person in power who had it in for Goemon was

  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi

And, Gomeon's death after he got captured by Hideyoshi is famous too

  • He was boiled alive

Which of the following statements are true of this organism?

  • It's not related to crabs


What is said to be the reason why people began dreaming in color?

  • Television

Which of these was made using the silver ratio?

  • B4-size Paper

Define "syn" and "aisthesis," the Greek root words of "synesthesia"

  • "Together" and "Senses"

Sept 3rd: In this famous statue, he's holding a spear in hist left hand, but what does he have in his right?

  • Nothing

Sept 6th: What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand looks like it stops moving?

  • Chronostasis

Sept 14th: Second-hand shops are also known as thrift stores Do you know when the earliest ones appeared?

  • The 19th Century


Sept 17th: We have a saying in Japanese: a skilled hawk hides its talons What hides its claws in English?

  • A cat

Sept 21st: The word "robot" didn't come from English So, what country did it come from?

  • Czechoslovakia

Sept 24th: Do you know why they chose black and white?

  • So it shows up well on TV

Sept 28th: So "PVS", referring to when you mistakenly think your phone is going off What's the P?

  • Phantom

The next part is the V part That means it'd be "phantom" what?

  • Vibration

Last is the S. So if we have "phantom vibration" so far

  • Syndrome


Sept 29th: Not all civil servants work in government offices Which of these occupations is a civil one?

  • Fishermen of Nagaragawa

Oct 3rd: but in the entire universe, which of these is closest to its density of stars?

  • Three watermelons in the sun

Oct 6th: This device made mass executions possible You know what it's called, yes?

  • A guillotine

Oct 11th: Which do you think most people choose to name "kiki"?

  • A

Exams: Oct 17th-19th

What is the origin of the word "guillotine"?

  • Name of the one who proposed it

First of all, who proposed the idea of the guillotine?


  • A Doctor

So, from his perspective, what was the advantage of the guillotine?

  • It could execute people quickly

Which of the following statements about this ball is true?

  • It has thirty-two faces

What is the meaning of the word "robota", the Czech word that is the root word of "robot"?

  • Slave Labor

What is the English name for the phenomenon where it feels like your cell phone is vibrating?

  • Phantom Vibration Syndrome

Which of the following government organizations do the cormorant fishermen of Nagaragawa belong to?

  • The Imperial Household Agency

Oct 22nd: What number should be in the middle of this square to make it a magic square?


  • Five

Oct 24th: Can you tell me what the S in SOS means?

  • It's meaningless

Nov 2nd: The word "wack" was also used in a coded language form history What was that language?

  • Thieves' Cant

Nov 4th: Clubs is a club, diamonds is a gem, spades is a sword So, what is hearts?

  • The Holy Grail

Nov 8th: Do you know what age you have to be in order to listen in on a trial?

  • Zero

Nov 10th: Do you know what the line that's in "bird" but not in "crow" represents?

  • An Eye

Nov 12th: Do you know why hearing someone's voice over the phone sound different than their real voice?


  • It's heavily processed

Nov 15th: When he was executed, something was done to his appearance, Do you know what it was?

  • They put makeup on him

Nov 17th: Which of these is called a cochleoid, after its resemblance to a snail?

  • B

Nov 18th: At which of these location can you see the sunrise the earliest?

  • The summit of Mt Fuji

Exams: Dec 20th-22nd

Which of the following is called the Devil's curve?

  • D

I think they said the voice you hear through the phone is

  • Not their real voice


But why does the listener think the synthetic voice is the real person?

  • They speak the same

Even if the voice is different, as long as they talk the same, the listener will subconsciously

  • Supplement the voice

Which suit of cards represents the Holy Grail

  • Hearts

Which of the following is not true about the kanji for "crow"?

  • It includes a number

Which country refers to a person who controls politics behind the scenes as a "prime minister in black"?

  • Japan

What English word did the initial "do" in the Japanese "dokyuu", or massive, originate from?

  • Dreadnought


Up Next: Weekly and Daily activities

PreviousThings Persona 5 Doesn't Tell YouNextWeekly and Daily activities

Top Guide Sections

  • Things to Do First in Persona 5
  • Things Not to Do in Persona 5
  • Things Persona 5 Doesn't Tell You
  • School Test and Quiz Answers

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OverviewThings to Do First in Persona 5Things Not to Do in Persona 5Things Persona 5 Doesn't Tell You

School Test and Quiz Answers - Persona 5 Guide - IGN (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.