Whispers of a Storm (The Storm Trilogy, #1) (2024)

Dannii Elle

2,124 reviews1,713 followers

December 13, 2016

I see no reason why Anthony Lavisher should not enter the literary hall of fame alongside fantasy powerhouses such as Patrick Rothfuss, George R.R. Martin and J.R.R. Tolkien after this epic fist installment in the Whispers of a Storm trilogy!

This brings together the narratives of an immigrant stonemason and a sheltered noblewoman after the former overhears a threat on the life of the latter. Whilst pursued by a band of mysterious assassin's both characters traverse the mystical Four Vales in their attempt to overthrow evil and discern who is threatening the peace of their great country. Along the way, they find out more about themselves and the place they call home in the process.

This fantasy is epic in both the literal and figurative sense! Weighing in at over 500 pages there is a depth of description, an intensity of character development and magnitude of world building that characterizes the elite in this genre. And all three facets work together to bring this captivating and thrilling story to life.

From political intrigue and court politics to high-action adventures and pace-quickening scenes of bloodshed, this book has it all and I have exactly nothing to fault with this absolutely stellar read!

The final portion of the trilogy was released only days ago and I am so relieved that I have the next two installments to hand, as my anxiety concerning the outcome of this thrilling tale is running at an all-time high! New favourite series!

    adult-books-read fantastic-fabrications recommended-reading


1 review

March 2, 2016

My boyfriend urged me to read this book and to be honest I picked it up to read under protest. My rationale for not wanting to read it was that fantasy is not my genre. However, I was soon eating humble pie and my boyfriend was not eating full stop (due to my nose being constantly in a book, as opposed to over the stove!).

I don't have the words to describe quite how much I enjoyed this book. All I can say is it was a real page turner and once I'd picked it up I couldn't put it down. I found myself going to bed earlier and earlier, just so I could read for longer. I became immersed in the Four Vales and the depiction at times made me feel as though I was physically there.

I did find it a little slow going in places, with perhaps to much scene setting but this could also be attributed to my impatience to find out what was going to happen next. The change in scenes as following different characters was seamless and didn't detract from the overall story. Not having read fantasy previously I was interested in quite how much I connected to the tale and felt empathy with characters. I felt as though I was second guessing them and what would happen next and am happy to say that I was often caught out with an unexpected twist of the plot or a new little nugget of information about a character.

I found myself urging them on and seeing scenes through the eyes of those involved, which at times, such as the torture, was quite graphic but which I didn't find gratuitous. I would love to see this become a film, but would hope that the director didn't spoil it by adding these gratuitous moments.

There really is something for everyone in this book: action, suspense, intrigue, conflict and even the hint at romance. I am surprised at how much I enjoyed it and hope that others try something new as you could really be missing out.


181 reviews3 followers

August 11, 2014

I had forgotten how good Whispers of a Storm was. After a second reading I've even upped my review from 4-5 stars.

This is the second time I have read this book, something I rarely do, ready to read Shadows of a Storm which I bought on the day it was released. Once I got over my reluctance to reread it I wondered what I had been waiting for. The writing is good and improves over the course of the book but the characterisation and setting are superb. I find I'm really able to picture each scene and Anthony Lavisher deserves a lot of credit for that, many seasoned authors fall short. Whispers of a Storm is very hard to put down because you feel like you are there, in every room, forest or pass. It made me cry twice despite having read it before.

I don't think I realised quite how emotional Cassana last time. This time I wanted to tell her to man up a little bit! I'm really looking forward to seeing how she matures in Shadows.

Simon Williams

Author10 books507 followers

September 18, 2019

Whispers of a Storm is a cracking read - a traditional epic fantasy that at once seems both familiar and original. It was easy to get into and a joy to continue reading, packed with compelling characters and plenty of action from the start. Two very different heroes take their bows early on, and it was refreshing to see that the author had gone to the trouble of avoiding the usual tropes and cliches where "hero" characters are concerned.

There is a "woodsman" character who, whilst not that similar, did remind me of Garet Jax from The Wishsong of Shannara - not a bad influence- I suspect mainly because of his determinedly enigmatic nature.

Aside from the wonderfully-woven story and its cast of characters, the relative lack of noticeable typos or glaring errors (that I could see, anyway!) also helped me get into the book without any unwanted interruptions. It was clear that this work had been proofread and edited properly, which is more than can be said for a lot of books out there.

All in all a very enjoyable read and I will definitely be picking up the next in the series.

Leserling Belana

491 reviews2 followers

May 30, 2016

This was the first novel by Anthony Lavisher. I saw a tweet, read a review, liked what I read and bought the novel.

I was not disappointed, on the contrary.


Peace has reigned in the Four Vales for about 50 years now. The enemies wear themselves out by tribal wars among themselves -- they pose no threat. The high duke wants to continue the policy his father pursued before him, as it means peace and a good standard of living for his subjects. He is popular with many, but opposition is building, and they want to thwart the high duke's plans. The opposition plan to abduct the princess of one of the Vales in order to put pressure on the ruling people.

A stonemason accidentally overhears a conversation about the planned kidnapping. From now on, his life and freedom aren't safe any more. However, his knowledge helps the young princess in no small measure.

Both the stonemason and the princess have to fight for their lives.

My thoughts:

Somebody somewhere compared it to the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series. Well, I think it is better. I read the first two volumes of that series fairly quickly, but put down the third one several times and took ages to complete it. I stalled after a few pages of the fourth volume, and right now, I am not sure I'll go on reading the fourth volume, let alone so much as start the fifth. The novelty has worn off, and it's just violence and then some more violence.

So, OK, there are some violent scenes in Whisper of a Storm, too, but they are not ends in themselves, and they aren't dwelt upon for pages and pages. They are merely parts of the story that unfolds.

The characters are well described: you feel with (and for) Cassana. Her known universe goes to pieces from one moment to the next. She doesn't know who to trust, which is made all the more difficult because she isn't even sure of herself. Her emotions are in turmoil.

There is a clear development of the characters; it is realistic and convincing.

The story has got everything you can expect from a good story: suspense, a bit of romance, mystery... you name it, you'll find it in the story.

It's a page turner, so best plan your other activities for a later time, because you'll want to finish the book first, then go on reading the second part (and then wait impatiently for the third and last part), before doing anything else. Read, enjoy, and share with your friends!


Nathan Shaw

3 reviews

March 12, 2016

Whispers of a Storm is a very assured and well written debut novel from Anthony Lavisher that begins with the overhearing of a clandestine plot to kidnap a nobleman's daughter. From here, we follow the fallout of this event and in particular, the fortunes of three central characters - the aforementioned daughter (Cassana), the humble stonemason (Khadazin) unfortunate enough to hear the wrong conversation and a mysterious and cynical mercenary (Arillion).

The characters are really well fleshed out and the dialogue between Cassana and Arillion in particular is excellent. However, perhaps the most striking thing about this book is how real it feels - the description is rich and vivid without being long-winded or overdone and portrays a world that you can picture, smell and hear - it is a fantasy novel that is not only for fantasy fans. Also, and contrary to the claims of one or two other reviews, the pacing is well-maintained and realistic, allowing the reader to feel as though they are immersed in each character's journey.

I thoroughly recommend this book and have a feeling I'll be doing the same thing soon enough for the sequel that I've just delved into. Here's hoping for a TV series or film adaptation one day!

Tracy Todd

4 reviews4 followers

November 6, 2014

Anthony was originally recommended to me as a possible writing associate, not a writer. I had never heard of him before. However, if you are thinking of reading his trilogy, and are considering his first book, don't bother, it is a waste of your money. Take the offer on both books available for a cheaper price as you are going to want the second.

His characterisation is excellent; you're going to love and hate some of his creations, as they enter your home, bouncing off the pages into your life. His description of the world he has created is amazing! The Four Vales must surely exist somewhere. And it is more real than Game of Thrones, because there really are both good, evil and shades of in between, people in both our, and his, world.

If you love adventure, intrigue and turning the pages as fast as you can to see what happens next, then this is the book for you, whether or not you believe yourself a fan of fantasy.
Thank you for writing this Anthony and I look forward to the end of the journey and the third book.

Cody Pelletier

166 reviews

May 6, 2021

Whispers of a Storm is a very well written fantasy-thriller that packs a real punch. Intrigue, conspiracies and dark secrets woven into a vivid, action packed plot. Well defined characters and lots of excitement and unexpected plot twists along the way.

Terry Tyler

Author30 books583 followers

October 5, 2017

3.5 stars
This first instalment of the Storm Trilogy is set in the medieval-esque fantasy world of the Four Vales, and follows the story of two main characters: Cassana, a noblewoman, and stonemason Khadazin. The story contains all the ingredients necessary for an epic fantasy series ~ political intrigue, wrongful imprisonment, conspiracies, dark secrets. I thought the land of the author's imagination was constructed well; it's all believable, with some original ideas that make this very much his own story. One element I liked was that his women are certainly not second class citizens; nobleman's daughter Cassana is sent to represent her father in political dealings, and others are military captains and solidiers. From adolescence, the girls are taught military skills alongside the boys.

I liked reading Khadazin's story best, as I found him the most three dimensional character; I was interested in his backstory and everything that happened to him. In Cassana's chapters in particular, I found the book a bit on the description-heavy side, with mundane detail that slowed the pace down. Having said that, this is a novel let down only by the elements that hinder most debuts, and that authors usually 'grow out' of: overly explanatory dialogue, too many adjectives and adverbs, using ten words where five will put the point across with better effect. However, fantasy epics often tend towards flowery prose; one could not accuse GRR Martin, for instance, of writing in a spare fashion.

The characterisation, atmosphere and world-building is very good; some professional TLC would make it as good as it could be and give the punctuation a bit of spit and polish (nb: do bear in mind that I am one of those weirdos who erupts in hives at a misplaced semicolon!). It's only 99p, and I'm sure that it will tick all the boxes for addicts of this genre.


209 reviews1 follower

March 27, 2021

I'm going straight to book 2! Am completely hooked.

Geeky Spice

1 review8 followers

July 9, 2014

I just finished Whispers of a Storm by Anthony Lavisher and felt compelled to write my first goodreads review to tell everyone just how bloody great it was.

Whispers is an addictive and thrilling adventure about “A stonemason and noblewoman's fortunes as they unwittingly become involved in a dangerous game of survival, as they try to find out what dark storm is about to break out across the Four Vales”.

Anthony is great wordsmith and writes with brilliant skill painting a wonderfully vibrant world for his rich and fully rounded characters to inhabit. The story is a fast paced page tuner full of humour, twists and surprises that will leave you wanting more right through to the cliff hanger ending that will have you ordering the next instalment “Shadows of a Storm” before you have even finished the epilogue.

Whispers of a Storm falls into the “fantasy” category being set in the fictional land of The Four Vales. I have read a fair bit of fantasy and usually the genre leaves cold but I was pleasantly surprised when I took to Whispers of a Storm so quick and easily. This isn’t some stuffy formulaic tale of a wide eyed farm boy, wizards and goblins. This is a fresh, action packed tale full of wit and tragedy.

I would personally liken this book to A Song of Ice and Fire (A Game of Thrones) with its realistic intimate storytelling and anything could happen tension.

I really couldn’t recommend this book more. I don’t give 5 stars out often and this book more than deserves it. Whatever your feelings of the fantasy genre I urge you to give this book a read. All you need is a love of great writing, humour, interesting characters and thrilling adventure.

Jonathan Jones

Author2 books2 followers

October 20, 2015

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes Fantasy novels full of intrigue, peril, and imperfect morally ambiguous characters. This is high adventure shown through a tinted lens, swordplay and epic journeys in a world of deception and hard choices. There are characters that you will want to hate, but be unable to, and characters that you will be reluctant to hate but feel compelled to.
The grammar nazi in me can't help pointing out that punctuation is a bit messy at times, and wild commas have been set loose in certain places, but the elegance of the prose more than makes up for this, especially in the descriptive passages. Mr Lavisher has a gift for vividly depicting varied, beautiful and realistic settings and, as a result, the character's journeys seem very real.

Dixiane Hallaj

Author19 books14 followers

January 10, 2013

Whispers of a Storm is an action-packed tale of political intrigue and human drama set in the well-imagined land of the Four Vales, a land of deep dark forests, beautiful meadows, and high rugged mountains. Cassana, daughter of the Lord of the North Vales, grows from an intelligent but spoiled girl into a strong young woman, capable of things she could not even imagine at the outset of her adventures. Arillion, her guide and protector through a long journey, is a brigand of uncommon ability who, despite his profession of assassin, holds his honor dearly.
Lavisher chooses his words with care, and his characters are well drawn and interesting.


30 reviews

October 12, 2014

It's my second time reading this book (in preparation for Book Two) and again I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't normally read fantasy but would recommend this story as a good easy introduction to the genre. Engaging characters and enchanting descriptions of the world, reminiscent of the medieval era. Many words describe the plot - a tale with adventure, political interest, action and romance amongst the ever flowing veins of human nature. I would definitely recommend, especially if you like a gripping page turner.

    fantasy fiction series


3 reviews

July 19, 2012

Loved it, the story kept me going right to the end, I can't wait for the sequel!


597 reviews3 followers

February 6, 2018

A thin tale told with far too many words. The author/editor could have cut the book in half and made it much better.

Hard to understand the rave reviews.


67 reviews1 follower

April 25, 2024

The storyline is good but I totally disliked the storytelling. In many places it felt that it was written by an under 10 YO child. The women especially Cassana, are portrayed weak and lack confidence and act like a child rather than a woman in her 20th. I disliked the latter most because she was supposedly on a political mission and she lacked maturity all the way around other than using a bow and arrow.


Pau Line

4 reviews

July 14, 2023

I don't read a lot of fantasy, I get often bored by the story or by the style of the author. I was surprised with whispers to be so quickly into the story... I couldn't stop reading as I was trapped into this world thanks to the talent of a rare storyteller. I can't wait now to get the second volume of the trilogy!

Whispers of a Storm (The Storm Trilogy, #1) (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.